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Alumni 2002

Claudia Benitez-Cardoza

Post-Doctoral Fellow 2001-2002
Professor, laboratorio de investigacion bioquimica posgrado en biomedicina molecular, Mexico City Contact
Post-Doctoral Associate, Unitéide la Recherche de les Protéines Végétales et leurs Interactions, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Nantes, France

Neelan Marianayagam

Neelan Marianayagam

Ph.D. student 1999-2002
Thesis title: "Experimental and computational studies of protein folding."
Post-Doctoral Associate, Matthews Laboratory, Syndney University, Aus.
After spending time as a Postdoc in Jacqui Matthews lab at the University of Syndey, Australia and then Theresa Head-Gordon's lab in Berkeley, University of California, Neelan is now doing a Masters Degree in Biomedical Sciences at Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, USA.

Kate Fulton

Ph.D. student 1995-2002
Thesis title: "Folding and crystallographic studies on FKBP12."
Post-Doctoral Associate, Whisstoch Laboratory, Monash University, Aus.

Heather Went

Ph.D. student 1998-2001
Thesis title: "Protein folding and assembly pathways."
Heather, after traveling the world for a year, is now back in the UK. She is now working for a consultancy firm ZS.